Shark IQ RV1001 Review

By | 28.02.2021

Providing great value for money and an innovative approach to cleaning, Shark IQ RV1001 brings in a few different updates to the robot vacuum industry and a bunch of extra innovations. It looks stylish and solid and it can cover the whole house with its exquisite mapping capabilities. It is excellent if you have kids or pets and it can tackle both small and large particles of dirt with no issues at all.

Shark IQ RV1001 Review

Shark IQ RV1001 mapping

While this is not really a general rule, many robot cleaners these days come with mapping capabilities. They map the surface, so they know precisely where to go, where they have been and what areas need to be clean. Shark’s RV1001 model takes mapping to another level. You can map the entire home, then select which rooms you want to clean. Simply let the vacuum cleaner know what you want done – it will ignore everything else and go straight to the required area.

Should you want the whole house cleaned, turn the vacuum cleaner on and let it do its job. It will clean one room at a time and navigate by itself – make sure there are no obstacles or closed doors though.

Sizing and weight

The design is classic – round and thin, so it can go under furniture. The round design may skip a few corners here and there because the cleaner simply cannot get in. But overall, it will grab most particles on the floor – it has some brushes that come out and drag the dirt closer. The unit measures 12.8×12.6×3.5 inches. It can go under tall furniture, but it will not be able to tackle tight areas – shorter than its height.

Its cleaning path width is 5.63 inches – quite average for robot cleaners.

Scheduling cleaning procedures and connectivity

Shark IQ RV1001 robot vacuum cleaner

You can schedule Shark IQ RV1001 to start cleaning by itself as soon as you leave the house or while you watch a movie. You can schedule it to do the whole house or certain rooms only. While you can use the control panel on the cleaner too for basic cleaning, it is highly recommended to get the Shark Clean application instead. It provides access to more settings, as well as the scheduling functionality.

It is worth noting that apart from Shark Clean, you can also run the robot cleaner via voice control – compatible with Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa.

Suction power

All these bells and whistles become irrelevant if the suction power cannot provide. You want a vacuum cleaner to grab everything – not just the easy crumbs from hard floors. Luckily, despite its size, its suction power is superior to other units in this price range. Given the suction opening, it will pick up both large and small debris without too much hassle.

Shark IQ RV1001 robot

Given the high suction, the RV1001 will pleasantly surprise you on soft floors too. In fact, it is fairly good at picking up pet hair as well – including pet hair stuck to the carpet. It will not go super deep into tall carpets though.

Cleaning and emptying

The IQ RV1001 vacuum cleaner comes with a small container that must be emptied on a regular basis. You cannot see how full it is, but take a look every now and then. It is large enough to take regular cleaning for the whole house though, yet it depends on how much traffic and mess there is.

Removing the container is fairly simple – get rid of the dirt and fit it back in. It is worth noting that unlike other Shark vacuum cleaners, this one does not empty by itself. If you want the robot cleaner to do everything for you, you might want to try out Shark IQ Robot UR1000SR. It has an automatic emptying dock that will ensure the cleaner can keep going, without having you to keep an eye on it.

Little to no maintenance

The brush roll is another aspect to pay attention to when getting a robot cleaner – again, Shark IQ RV1001 will not let you down. The brush roll is not just harsh to pick up stubborn and long hair, but it has another property that makes it stand out – it cleans by itself. The cleaning goes on as the robot cleaner works, so hair will not have enough time to wrap around the roll.

Shark robot vacuum cleaner

Automatic recharging

Should Shark IQ RV1001 run out of battery, you will not have to find it around your home. Given its mapping capabilities, it will make sure it has enough energy to return to the docking station. It will charge by itself and go back to work – nothing to worry about, it will resume from where it stopped. It knows where it has been, where to go and where to resume.


• Brush roll can clean by itself while the cleaner works
• Superior mapping capabilities to ensure maximum efficiency
• Can be controlled over voice assistants
• Detailed application with extra settings, such as scheduling
• Extra brushes to drag dirt from corners


• Louder than other similar robot cleaners


Bottom line, Shark IQ RV1001 is a serious upgrade from the old fashioned robot cleaners. It comes with a few extras that are likely to become standard at some point. It works on both hard and soft surfaces and features a few bells and whistles that will make your day better. The best part about it? It can clean pet hair and it does not require you to keep an eye on it – it will charge by itself, resume from where it left and map rooms without too much hassle.

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